Private sections reserved for registered insect killers "Features available to you in BeesForLife".
As a BeesForLIfe subscriber, you will receive specific information on how to use the platform to improve the productivity of your business.
These sections also explain in detail the features of the BeesForLIfe platform in relation to your contacts who are also users of the platform.
As a Subscriber (whatever your status) you will discover the following detailed sections
1 The functions available to you on the platform
Receive information about a nest to be destroyed and view the reported hornet nest with photo and description in order to submit a service offer
2 Status and pricing of services
3 Standard quotation that we suggest you use to make your offers to destroy Asian hornet nests; quotation drawn up in a participative manner between private individuals, pest controllers, local authorities, beekeepers, etc.
Make a service offer in 10 clicks using a pre-formatted BeesForLife quote
4 Monitor my operations on my mobile phone connected to the BeesForLife application: Appointments, Destruction, Removal, Fencing.
Insect killers: communicate and make yourself known
Whatever your subscription to the application, you have access to the visibility features on the BeesForLife platform.
Registration in the BeesForLife Directory: this registration is essential in order to be able to receive the "Nest description" sheets to offer your services to the "owner" of the nest for the BeesForLife Classic and Bio statuses and approved or community reference.
You can modify some of the information once you have registered.
Describe your activity: you will soon have access to a space where you can talk about your activities.
Communicate your visual identity with your logo: you can insert your logo here.