Professionals in the destruction or collection of bee swarms in France, this space on Bees For Life is dedicated to you:

  • Register on this site to make yourself known to local authorities and private individuals
    and to obtain the Bees For Life listing: 'Bees For Life Classic' or 'Bees For Life BIO'.
  • Manage your profile
  • Contact us to find out more about Bees For Life and its services

Why register as a BeesForLife insect killer in France ?

  • Join a repository recognised by local authorities.
  • Gain visibility on a professional platform that is more than just a directory.
  • Guarantee your professionalism to your customers and users by a third party, BeesForLife.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to respecting the best practices described in the BeesForLife.
  • Participate in the development of scientific expertise relating to the protection of bees and personal safety by contributing, through your listing, to the research projects developed by BeesForLife in collaboration with its partners.

More details on the reference system

The Bees For Life offer: two options

1- Simple registration visible on the generic BeesForLife site: "Registered" status

You can register under your responsibility with a minimum of details of your business type Kbis and your means of contact phone / email ... to be visible to visitors to the site after validation of an annual registration fee with BeesForLife.

2- Qualifying registration with refundable registration fee

Une Attention particulière à la sécurité à gérer par le désinsectiseur


Le désinsectiseur  doit s’assurer de sa qualification et de celle de son personnel au regard des risques professionnels (travaux en hauteur, utilisation de biocides). Il devra s’abstenir de faire participer toute personne ayant connaissance d’une allergie aux piqûres d’hyménoptères.

Dans le cas  un biocide est utilisé pour procéder à la destruction, l’applicateur devra se conformer

aux indications de l’étiquetage et aux conditions réglementaires en vigueur.


Le signataire de la présente charte s’engage à porter des équipements de protection individuelle

conformes aux réglementations biocides en vigueur :

  • tenue intégrale contre les insectes (avec masque, cote avec grammage (600 à 800 g/m²) adaptée aux piqûres de Vespa velutina nigrithorax),

  • combinaison étanche aux produits biocides,

  • lunettes (si visière à grille) contre les projections de venin,

  • gants,

  • protection respiratoire correspondant au biocide utilisé.

How do I become a qualified Bees For Life "Classic" or "Organic" Insect Killer?

  • Be an operator in France.
  • Register on the Beesforlife platform.
  • Complete the questionnaire and undertake to provide proof of declaration.
  • Agree to be audited by Beesforlife.
  • Choose your target qualification level and provide your proof of commitment corresponding to the status.
  • Beesforlife will validate your declarations to confirm your qualification on an annual basis.

How can I get my registration fee refunded?

Within a year of registering, make a visible contribution to your local authority (commune or community of communes, departmental council, etc.) agreeing to install the Beesforlife application for reporting Asian hornet nests on its internet platform for use by its citizens. Reimbursement will be made on the date the application is launched on the local authority's website.

What is the difference between as a generic site and a commune as a site specific to a commune?

For exterminators and private individuals:

The generic website highlights all the insect killers who have signed up for an annual subscription with BeesForlife.

The specific sites for local authorities show the insect killers selected by the local authority using the following statuses:

  • Referenced as a local authority : appears on the local authority's map: the service provider benefits from "support" from the local authority, but BeesForLife does not know the criteria for this (history, expertise, presence in the field, proximity, multi-nuisance activity, etc.) or the content of the service.activity, etc.) or the contentcommitment. The local authority wishes to include the following on its positive list of service providers"referenced" who can demonstrate to the local authority their ability to deal with nests.
  • Approved by the local authority : There is an insect control agreement with the local authority within the framework of a contract and/or compliance with a good practice charter specific to the local authority, which is common to all or specific to each service provider: this justifies their ability to have the status of "Approved by the local authority" and "Approved by the local authority".Approved" status andto treat nests. The local authority's charter of good practice can be based on the BeesForLife charter.
  • BeesForLife "Classic" and "Organic": Compliance with the BeesForLife good practice charter and the GTC. The charter and GCU are updated annually and are common to all insect killers in France.The local authority can make use of the local insect killers on the "national" BeesForLife list to make them available on its "dedicated BeesForLife" platform to manage nests in the public domain and/or those belonging to private individuals.

The local authority's service providers come from the "Referenced local authority", "Approved local authority" and "BeesForLIfe" lists. and "BeesForLIfe Classic or Bio national".