Raphael Willaert

Economist by training, creator, administrator, financier,... of France Telecom / Orange property subsidiaries, now retired.

Leisure beekeeper, 60 years of experience under the sun of Wallonia, Burgundy and finally the Loire Valley, member of APISTORIA.

President of the L'Abeille Olivetaine association since its creation in 2010.

The aim ofL'Abeille Olivetaine is to reach out to everyone, to encourage and promote the development and knowledge of bees and their habitat. This aim is achieved through information, communication, the organisation of events, training and the management of small "association apiaries".

L'Abeille Olivetaine runs an "apiary school" recognised by FranceAgriMer, and provides advice to around a hundred beekeepers and their 600 hives.

Since May 2017, L'Abeille Olivetaine has been a national winner of the Social Innovation Fund for the project "Le rucher du Clos de Lorette- Mieux vivre dans son environnement avec les abeilles".